Raglan Creative Market at the Old School
The Raglan Creative Market is governed and organized by the Raglan Community Arts Council Inc. management committee who manage and operate the Raglan Old School Arts Centre. The Raglan Creative Market at the Old School is held for the community on the 2nd Sunday of every month, 9am – 1pm, rain or shine, at the Old School Arts Centre, Stewart Street, Raglan.
The Raglan Creative Market aims to:
- Provide a space for the Raglan community and visitors to meet
- Inspire and promote fresh ideas in the community
- Showcase local and regional artists
- Act as an incubator for small businesses in our community
- Encourage and promote our community’s products and producers
- Achieve zero waste on site
In General:
- Quality, locally made products are given preference, and stall holders must make clear to the Raglan Creative Market what percentage of their products is hand made in NZ. A minimum of 60% handcrafted goods is expected.
- Additional products can be sold up to a maximum 40% of the stall total (ie: a majority of your wares must be crafted in NZ)
- The organizers reserve the right to refuse to accept a stallholder who does not, in the organizers’ opinion, provide a good match for the market
- The Raglan Community Arts Council Committee reserve the right to admit a stall at the committee’s discretion
Booking and Site Allocations
- Stallholders must obtain prior approval from the market coordinator
- All sites must be booked using the Raglan Creative Market online booking form
- Stallholders must select their stand and pay in advance online
- The Raglan Creative Market booking form allows for markets to be booked and paid for in advance
- Failure to arrive by your allotted time may result in your site being allocated to another stallholder.
- The Raglan Creative Market coordinator may, at their sole discretion, allow stallholders to book a stall on the day of the market. Such bookings are subject to availability of sites and cost $40, to be paid in cash on the day.
- Stall fees are non-refundable. However, fees are transferable to a later market date with 48 hours notice at the discretion of the market co-ordinator.
Stallholders Responsibilities
It is the stallholder’s responsibility to ensure they comply with any legal or local government requirements. Market organizers accept no responsibility for any theft, damage or loss to any stall holder’s goods or equipment.
General Safety and Health Rules
The Raglan Old School is a drug-free, smoke-free zone. This is a heritage building: all stallholders & occupiers must ensure no activity affects this status.
- Alcohol is specifically prohibited except for an approved licensed event or as approved by the Raglan Community Arts Council Committee.
- Any conduct, which threatens the personal health, well-being, or security of employed or volunteer staff, of stallholders & the public, or endangers property will not be tolerated.
- No candles, matches or fuel-powered lighters are to be used within the buildings.
- Electric extension cords and appliances must meet NZ safety standards.
- Stallholders must respect access and egress requirements and ensure walkways and exits are clear of clutter.
- Food vendors must ensure food safety practices are met and their stall meets the requirements of the Waikato District Council.
- Vehicle access to the market is banned while the market is open to the public.
- Your disposables and trash are your responsibility. Please respect and observe our goal of zero waste on site. All packaging must be recyclable
- All potential hazards are to be promptly brought to the notice of the market team.
- All accidents or incidents are to be immediately brought to the notice of the market coordinator.
Stallholder Requirements
General Safety and Health Rules
- The premises are a non-smoking zone.
- Illegal acts and drugs are prohibited.
- Alcohol is specifically prohibited except for an approved licensed event or as approved by the RCAC committee.
- Any conduct, which threatens personal health, well-being, or security of employed or volunteer staff, of stallholders & the public, or endangers property, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
- No candles, matches or fuel-powered lighters are to be used within the buildings.
- Electric extension cords and appliances must meet NZ safety standards.
- Stallholders must respect access and egress requirements and ensure walkways and exits are clear of clutter.
- Food vendors must ensure food safety practices are met and their stall meets the requirements of the Waikato District Council.
- Vehicle access to the market is banned while the market is open to the public.
- Your disposables and trash are your responsibility. Please respect and observe our goal of zero waste on site. All packaging must be recyclable
- All potential hazards are to be promptly brought to the notice of the market team.
- All accidents or incidents are to be immediately brought to the notice of the market coordinator.